To get the context for this post; check out Quotidian’s Journal. Also check out the documentation I’ve already written here and here. In a few words: I’ve written a program which prompts an AI model to write a daily “blog” post, and autonomously upload that post to a website ( I want to keep some […]
Author: Barclay
For the purposes of the DIY Midi controller project, it’s going to be a-lot more straightforward if we get all the wiring out of the way first.
DIY MIDI Controller – Part One
I have previously written about using a TV remote to send serial messages to a computer. I’ve played around with this concept for a bit- particularly, translating those serial messages into MIDI data. I put together a little “home-made MIDI controller” prototype (pictured above). It’s not the prettiest thing (the innards are so hideous that […]
Musings on mana
There’s this concept of “mana” in many video games (my first encounter would have been Diablo). The word itself, “mana” (when used in this way) has Melanesian origins. The first English-language literature to mention the word is available online as a pdf, and makes for a ripper skim-through, if you’re into that kind of thing (The Melanesians: […]
Infrared Remote Receiver for PC
…receiving discreet commands from a TV remote, and passing them to a Python script running on a PC.
As you develop more and more scripts/start doing more things with code, you can maintain this menu as a handy directory of different functions uniquely useful to you.
Check my github repo of this project for more examples.
Building a basic CLI in PowerShell
You can build apps in PowerShell that have their own GUI- with clickable buttons, calendar views and dropdown menus etc… But I’m going to keep it simple with an example of how to build your own CLI-type app. I’ll also cover the absolute fundamentals of programming, so you don’t require any experience- just a little common sense.
So you’re curious. I getcha. There’s probably a million “Getting started with PowerShell” tutorials out there on the internet; and now there’s a million and one. I’m hopeful the ideas in here will help even the non-tech-minded person come around to understanding what PowerShell is and how it is used. I’ve written an even more […]
A Casual Introduction to PowerShell
When I talk about what I do at my job, people will generally have heard of ‘Javascript’ or ‘Python’, but ‘PowerShell’ seems to be a bit more obscure. When asked, “What’s ‘PowerShell’?” I will generally respond, “Oh, it’s kind of like… an ‘in-built’ programming language for Windows.” And that usually ends the conversation; because the […]
Notes on Monopoly
Notes on Monopoly I wrote back in 2016, that would set me down a (near-obsessive) but ultimately enriching life-path…