Programming Tech

Solderless Breadboards and the Pi Pico (DIY MIDI Controller – Part 2)

For the purposes of the DIY Midi controller project, it’s going to be a-lot more straightforward if we get all the wiring out of the way first.

Programming Tech

DIY MIDI Controller – Part One

I have previously written about using a TV remote to send serial messages to a computer. I’ve played around with this concept for a bit- particularly, translating those serial messages into MIDI data. I put together a little “home-made MIDI controller” prototype (pictured above). It’s not the prettiest thing (the innards are so hideous that […]

Programming Tech

Infrared Remote Receiver for PC

…receiving discreet commands from a TV remote, and passing them to a Python script running on a PC.

Programming Tech

Adding Functions to our PowerShell CLI

As you develop more and more scripts/start doing more things with code, you can maintain this menu as a handy directory of different functions uniquely useful to you.
Check my github repo of this project for more examples.

Programming Tech

Building a basic CLI in PowerShell

You can build apps in PowerShell that have their own GUI- with clickable buttons, calendar views and dropdown menus etc… But I’m going to keep it simple with an example of how to build your own CLI-type app. I’ll also cover the absolute fundamentals of programming, so you don’t require any experience- just a little common sense.

Programming Tech

What to know before beginning to write PowerShell code

So you’re curious. I getcha. There’s probably a million “Getting started with PowerShell” tutorials out there on the internet; and now there’s a million and one. I’m hopeful the ideas in here will help even the non-tech-minded person come around to understanding what PowerShell is and how it is used. I’ve written an even more […]

Programming Tech

A Casual Introduction to PowerShell

When I talk about what I do at my job, people will generally have heard of ‘Javascript’ or ‘Python’, but ‘PowerShell’ seems to be a bit more obscure. When asked, “What’s ‘PowerShell’?” I will generally respond, “Oh, it’s kind of like… an ‘in-built’ programming language for Windows.” And that usually ends the conversation; because the […]

Programming Tech

Poimandres Discord Bot

My goals with the Poimandres Discord Bot were to learn JavaScript, and serve the niche request of one Discord server. I was pleasantly surprised when; after just a few months of hosting; I had reached the 100-server-cap and needed to go over my credentials with Discord HQ…